The mission of evangelization is to promote awareness that Baptism calls us all to proclaim the Good News of Jesus and His plan of salvation for us. The People of God seek to evangelize themselves through prayer, study, the sacraments and service to enable them to reach out and share faith with others and become a more welcoming community.
Evangelization is a lifelong journey to God. It is a continuous process, not a once-and-for-all-event. While we know one event may bring about conversion, we believe conversion is a lifelong journey to God, not a single event.
• To encourage people to grow in appreciation and enthusiasm for their faith, which will lead them to become a welcoming people and to share faith freely with others.
• To invite all persons in the community to hear the message of God’s love and join us in the fullness of the Catholic faith.
• To foster Gospel values in our culture, promoting the dignity of the human person and the common good of all in our society, so we may be transformed by the saving power of God.
In brief summary, Jesus directs his followers to “make disciples of all nations.” (Matt 28:19) This means sharing beliefs about Jesus, inviting others to accept God’s love, and encouraging them to love one another.
Evangelization is a lifelong journey to God. It is a continuous process, not a once-and-for-all-event. While we know one event may bring about conversion, we believe conversion is a lifelong journey to God, not a single event.
• To encourage people to grow in appreciation and enthusiasm for their faith, which will lead them to become a welcoming people and to share faith freely with others.
• To invite all persons in the community to hear the message of God’s love and join us in the fullness of the Catholic faith.
• To foster Gospel values in our culture, promoting the dignity of the human person and the common good of all in our society, so we may be transformed by the saving power of God.
In brief summary, Jesus directs his followers to “make disciples of all nations.” (Matt 28:19) This means sharing beliefs about Jesus, inviting others to accept God’s love, and encouraging them to love one another.